Oral Surgery
Oral surgery bascially involves any dental surgical treatments. Dental consultation, proper diagnoses and treatment plan with our dental specialists will first be required before oral surgery takes place.
- Surgical Tooth Extraction
- Tooth Extraction
- Bone Graft Surgery
- Dental Implant Surgery
- Pre-Prosthetic Surgery (eg. gingival resection)
- Jaw Surgery
- Orthognatic Surgery or Jaw Alignment Surgery due to
- mandibular setback/advancement
- management of facial deformities

Oral surgery treatments include :

Surgical extractions involve the removal of teeth that cannot be easily accessed, either because the tooth have broken under the gum line or because the tooth has not fully erupt. Surgical extractions almost always require an incision and stitches.

Simple tooth extractions are performed on teeth that are visible in the mouth, usually under local anaesthesia using instruments to remove the visible portion of the tooth with slow, steady pressure is applied at controlled force.

Bone graft surgery is done to replace missing bone or when there is insufficient bone for implant placement. Bone grafting is possible because bone tissue has the special ability to regenerate completely if provided the space into which to grow.

Dental implants are replacement tooth roots. Dental implants are done in two stages. First stage involves the surgical placement on the implant posts.The second stage is a non-surgical stage of fitting the prosthetics on dental implants.

Pre-prosthetic surgery involves surgical treatment done prior to the placement of prosthetics. Treatments may include crown-lengthening, gum grafting or gingivectomy.

Orthognathic surgery is surgery performed on the bones of the jaws to change their positions. The surgical correction of jaw excess/deficiency may be due to mandibular setback/advancement or management of facial deformities.
For dental surgical procedures done under local anaethesia, this is done at BIDC dental center. BIDC follows international patient safety goals (IPSGs) stated by JCI standards for correct patient, correct-site, correct-procedure. Prior to a start of a surgical procedure, BIDC follows protocols in marking the surgical site, a pre-verification check and a time-out period in ensuring that all equipment with proper sterilization are ready and the right treatment is done.
For dental surgical procedures done under general anaethesia, patients are referred out to a general hospital done by our dental surgical team following the same IPSG safety surgery policies.