Endodontics and Root Canal Treatment
When you get a toothache, it is likely that infection has incurred within your tooth root affecting nerves. With root canal treatment, bacteria and infection within the roots of teeth may be treated. Endodontic dentistry saves natural teeth that was once simply removed.
Endodontic treatments resolve tooth pulp and pulp problems of a dieased tooth root. Dental pulp is the soft tissue inside a tooth that contains nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue. It extends from the crown of the tooth to the tip of the root in the bone of the jaws. When the pulp is diseased, pain and swelling can result causing toothaches. Your endodontist or tooth root specialist removes the diseased pulp. The tooth root canal is cleaned. If there are no further symptons, the canal is sealed with fillings.
After root canal treatment, tooth root becomes non-viable. Tooth bone can become fragile over the long-run. A post is normally inserted followed by core buildup and a crown done to encase and strenghten your tooth.
Benefits of Root Canal Treatment
- Elimination of Infection
- Relief of Toothache
- Further prevention of infection to tooth and bone tissues
Access Cavity Preparation
- Small intra-oral Xray is taken prior to do treatment
- Local Anesthesia is injected locally to the infected area
- Opening of the pulp chamber to get rid off infection and debris
Irrigation of the root canal
- Irrigation is performed until the root canal is completely cleaned.
- Sometimes, prescription of medication and antibiotics are necessary to cure infection
Filling of the root canal
- Irrigation is repeatedly performed to clean and shape the root canal
- If the tooth root exhibits no further symtpons of infection, the canal of the tooth root is then filled
Post, core buildup and crown
- After root canal treatment is completed, your teeth may feel sensitive during the first few days.
- A post, core buildup is done before the crown is placed over the treated tooth to protect the overall tooth.
- Proper oral care and bi-annaul check is recommended for continued care of tooth
The main goal of dental pulp treatment is to create a condition in which the root canal system can receive treatment and maintain tissue health. Successful treatment is the removal of bacteria and the tube is completely buried. At our clinic, we use the latest machines-Endomate unit and Root Apex locator-for better treatment and higher success rates.
During the first few days after root canal treatment is completed, you may feel more susceptible to inflammation of natural tissues. It is particularly sensitive if you have prior pain or infection before the start of the procedure. This sensitivity or discomfort can be controlled with over-the-counter painkillers.
After a complete root canal procedure is completed, a post in placement into the canal with the tooth built up by composite core. A crown is then recommended to be capped over the root canal treated tooth to prevent re-infection and protect fragile teeth.
You will need to brush and floss as per normal and visit your dentist for bi-annual checkup.